No School Today

School is out today for a teacher workday so we're taking the day off from homeschool too. I was absolutely giddy last night when I realized that I didn't need to set the alarm this morning LOL It's still a little rainy here today and the sky is gray and even the oldest Island Boy, who is normally an early riser, slept late. The kids and I are housebound for the 2nd day in a row and I am loving it! I'm having a hard time keeping them out of the lake that is our backyard today but other than that it's been a really quiet, peaceful day. For us that is. The Island King is not doing as well. He had to deliver a CD to a client today and it's about a 45 minute drive one way but he had several other errands to run also and he seemed happy enough when he drove off. About 45 minutes later the phone rang and it was him. "Is the CD I'm supposed to be delivering on my desk?" I looked over and sure enough, there it was. He's in the client's parking lot and the CD is still here on his desk. "Uhmm, yeah babe, the CD is here". He went to cussing and carrying on like you just wouldn't believe LOL So he had to turn around and drive 45 minutes back home to get the CD and then drive back to the client's office. He called a few minutes ago and he heard on the radio that one of his favorite bands will be playing at a local place tonight so he's happy again. I guess we're going out tonight. Yeah! We'll leave Island Girl in charge and we'll get to go listen to some good music and be grownups for a little while. That doesn't seem to happen very often.
Well, I'm off to my closet - where I will stand for a LONG time wondering what to wear LOL
