Getting Organized

I've spent the last few days purging and organizing. Originally, we were supposed to go camping this weekend since the kids were out of school on Friday for a teacher work day and they are out today for Dr. King's birthday but we've had an extremely cold, wet weekend and camping just isn't that much fun in 30 degree rain LOL So I've spent the weekend getting organized. I spent Friday sorting through the 10,000 recipes I've clipped and saved for years now but never look through because they were all jumbled together in an old folder. I sorted through them, threw away the ones I don't think will be good (why did I clip them in the first place I wonder) and then organizing them into a new folder that will be easy for me to look through when planning meals. I've already tried 3 new recipes and two of them were delicious. The third was a recipe for brownies that turned out to be a disgusting mess. The Island King came in the kitchen after the brownies were done and asked what that pile of chocolate was and when I told him I'd tried a new recipe he asked what was wrong with the brownies I normally make, which are really good. I told him those brownies are from a mix and that I wanted to try some from scratch. He smiled and said "The brownies from the mix are great - so if it ain't broke don't mess with it" LOL He's right and I'll be making them from the mix next time. After I organized the recipes I decided to tackle my craft stuff. I am teaching myself to sew but don't have an actual sewing table so when I want to sew I have to clear a spot in the dining room, unbury the sewing machine and drag it out. That's a real pain in the butt and so I'll think "I'd love to sew something" but then the thought of the hours worth of set up time usually changes my mind. So yesterday I decided to create a sewing area in the corner of my bedroom. This is my craft corner and I have stacks of plastic containers, bags of yarn and all kinds of crafty/sewing stuff piled under an antique thread table but none of it is very accessible. So I pulled everything out into the middle of the room and started sorting. Today or tomorrow the Island King is going to build a table for my sewing machine to live on and once the table is built and everything is sorted I should be able to sit down and sew whenever the spirit moves me. I ran out of steam last night so everything is still in the middle of the floor but I'm going to go in and finish everything today. It will be so nice to have everything organized and where I can get to it. I had no idea how much craft stuff I have so sorting through it all has given me a ton of ideas for new projects. I can't wait to get it all organized and ready for me to play with. So I'm off to sort, purge and organize and create a wonderful new sewing area. Wish me luck!
