A Day on the River

The kids were out of school today for President's Day so we decided to spend the day on the Choctawhatchee River at our favorite fish camp. 

The Island King has been camping, fishing and hunting at this spot since he was six years old and we actually named our youngest son after the spot. 

We try to get up there as much as possible and today was perfect. The kids love to shoot their BB guns and of course everyone had to take turns shooting the Island King's rifle. 

Looking at the pictures I took I realize that we look like an ad for the NRA but rest assured gun safety is always top priority with us. 

The Island Girl brought a friend and I'm not sure she knew what to make of us. She's recently moved here from a big city up North and has never spent a day wandering through a swamp, fishing or shooting BB guns but by the end of the day she said she thought this "redneck stuff was pretty cool" 

The river was beautiful today

Gotta have a fire

Hanging Around

The Oldest Island Boy and his pup

The girls soaking up the sun

Even after 20 years he's still the love of my life

A huge hawk kept circling looking at our 2 little dogs. We had to keep a close eye on them all day because several more hawks showed up and they all had their eyes on the dogs

We cooked hotdogs over the fire

Cypress stumps in the swamp behind the camp

This puppy is too cute


The girls were pretty good shots with the slingshots

After the sun set there was an incredible full moon

Of course we had to roast marshmellows and tell ghost stories before heading home

It was an incredible day and now we're all wore out but glad we got to spend the day in one of our favorite places!
