Round Robin Photo Challenge: Shoes

It's time for the Round Robin Photo Challenge and this challenge is all about shoes. I love shoes but when thinking about this challenge I kept coming back to the same thing over and over again so I decided to go with it.

Dr. Seuss's Foot Book
Edited for this challenge and Illustrated by Sandcastle Momma

Left Shoe, Left Shoe,

Right Shoe, Right

Shoes in the Morning,

Shoes at Night

Left Shoe Left Shoe Left Shoe Right

Wet Shoe

Dry Shoe

Low Shoe, High Shoe

Front Shoes

Back Shoes

Red Shoes, Black Shoes

Left Shoe Right Shoe, Shoes Shoes Shoes
How many, many Shoes you meet

Trick Shoes

Sick Shoes

Here Come Clown Shoes

Small Shoes, Big Shoes

Here Come Pig Shoes

His Shoes, Her Shoes

Fuzzy Fur Shoes

In the House

And on the Street
How many many Shoes you meet

Up in the Air Shoes

Over a Chair Shoes
More and More Shoes

Twenty Four Shoes

Here come more and more and MORE Shoes
Left Shoe Right Shoe Shoes Shoes Shoes
Oh how many Shoes you meet!

Whew! That was a lot of shoes LOL We've had fun with this one and my absolute favorite is the pig shoes picture. The Island King and I were out last night in the rain taking the pictures of the shoes in the street and when we got home Island Girl said "I'm probably the only person who's parents have been out taking pictures of shoes in the rain tonight" She could be right but then again ya just never know.
After the last challenge (Veggies on Vacation) the Island King and Island Girl decided they wanted to participate as well so they've created their own blogs and have taken their own Shoe pictures. We've collaborated with each other so it's still been a family project but this time we had 3 ideas going at once. So we're done with Shoes for now - I hope you enjoyed my little twist on Dr. Seuss. Head on over to Round Robin Photos and see some awesome photography. You might also stop by and see what the Island King and Island Girl have created. And yes, this proves that we have too much time on our hands!
