An Award For Me!

Bethany at Happy to be Called Mommy has bestowed upon me this Brilliant Weblog Award!

This award comes with the instructions to:
1) Put the logo on your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on yours
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

I can do that and I'm passing this award along to some of my favorite bloggers.
A look around their blogs and I'm sure you'll love them too.

Electic Granny
I love to read Kiva's blog. She's a fascinating woman who spends a bit of her time riding the rails and she posts wonderful photos of her train adventures. She's a reader and a wanderer and she's always got something interesting to say.
Kiva is also a wonderful friend and has offered me much needed support and words of wisdom. I look forward to her blog each day and I know you will too.

Seaside Enchantment
Tracy spends a lot of her time creating a warm and cozy home for her family. Her posts are inspirational and always make me want to create something wonderful for my own family. She's always got something good cooking on the stove and she has a flair for writing that soothes the soul.

Lisa's Chaos
Lisa is one of the most talented photographers you will find on the web. She has an incredible eye and must have Snow White qualities because all of nature stops to pose for her photos. From the tiniest insects to the most magestic birds - Lisa finds and photographs them. It's always a pleasure to visit her site and soak up her beautiful photographs.

From A Heavenly Land
Island Rider is an extremely interesting woman who seems to have a flair for putting things into perspective. She seeks God's wisdom to help her through this life and her blogs are always inspiring. She really has a knack for looking at things in the best light and her posts always leave me wanting more.

Vitamin Sea
Laura is one of the funniest bloggers I've found and I love reading her posts. In fact, she's running for President right now and after reading her blog for a while I've decided that she's definitely the best candidate for the job. She's witty and blunt and she never hesitates to tell it like it is. Reading her blog is a daily pleasure.

A Florida Journal
Swamp Angel has already received this award but I don't care - I'm sending it to her again. Her posts are as eclectic as her interests and you never know what you'll find on her blog. Her geocaching tales are fascinating and her huge love for life and adventure shines through each of her posts.

Gardening Under the Florida Sun
Dani embraces life through each of her posts. Her love of nature is evident in her photos and she always seems to capture the beauty that is Florida. She's witty and interesting and I know you'll enjoy her site.

So if you have a minute - check out these sites. These are fascinating women who will entertain, inspire and awe you. Time at their sites will be time well spent!
