Aahaa! I Knew They Were Here Somewhere

After Christmas in 2007 I decided to make new stockings for our family. The Island King was still using the one his mother made him when he was 3 and the boys and I were using plain red ones that I wrote our names on with gold paint. Island Girl has a beautiful cross stitched one that my aunt bought for her first Christmas so she didn't need a new one but the rest of us did.

They were all functional but I wanted something different and more personal.

So, after Christmas that year I didn't put the stockings up with the rest of the Christmas stuff. I put them on my sewing table, determined to make new ones before Christmas 2008 arrived.

I found this book

Which is filled with beautiful cross stitch patterns and I went to work.

Even after spending more time cross stitching than I should have, I only had one stocking finished by Christmas so I decided to keep using the old ones until I finished all of the new ones.

The day to put up our Christmas decorations arrived and after I finished unpacking everything I couldn't find the old stockings. Anywhere.

They weren't with the Christmas stuff, they weren't on my sewing table, they weren't anywhere.

I spent the weeks before Christmas frantically searching everywhere I could think of but never did find them.

Christmas Eve arrived and we still had no stockings.

So we did what any resourceful people would do and made some. Out of paper bags LOL

The kids each took a paper bag, drew pictures on them and then wrote their names. We hung them by the fireplace and Santa, being the good guy that he is, filled them to the brim with candy and treats.

Fast forward to yesterday.

I was cleaning out the piles of debris that always seem to land under my sewing table and there, on the very bottom, covered by a bag of yarn, were the stockings.

I know I looked all around and under that table at Christmas time but I guess I didn't dig deep enough into the piles of yarn, fabric and other stuff that accumulates under there.

I'm pretty sure I won't be finished with all of the new stockings by Christmas this year but at least we won't have to use the paper bags again LOL
