The Preacher on the Roof

This is one of my favorite Lewis Grizzard jokes.

There was a Baptist preacher in Mississippi that had more faith in God than anyone you’ve ever met.

There was a terrible flood and as the Pearl River started to rise the preacher sat on his porch and watched the water come up into his yard.

Two men in a canoe came by and said “Preacher you’d better get in and come with us, this water is rising fast.”

The preacher thanked them but said “The good Lord will take care of me.”

A while later the water had risen even more and the preacher was on his roof.

Two more men came by in a boat and said “Preacher you’ve got to come with us, this water’s not done rising.”

The preacher thanked them but said “The good Lord will take care of me.”

A while later the water had risen so high the preacher had to climb up on top of his chimney and the water was still rising.

A helicopter came along, lowered a rope and the pilot told the preacher to grab hold and he’d pull him up.

The preacher thanked them but said “The good Lord will take care of me.”

It wasn’t long after that the preacher was standing in front of St Peter at the Pearly Gates.

St Peter said “What are you doing here? It’s not your time yet.”

The preacher said “Well I had faith and knew the good Lord would take care of me.”

St. Peter said “Good grief man, He sent two boats and a helicopter – what more did you need?”

Lewis Grizzard
