What do you do when your husband calls from his boy's only weekend fishing trip and tells you that he and the other boy, his brother, want you and the kids to come join them?
Obviously, you get in the car and drive to Indian Pass knowing that you are going to spend the next 24 hours having a LOT of fun.
The Island Girl and the Oldest Island Boy had other things going on so it was just the Youngest Island Boy and I hitting the road.
Indian Pass is a little spec between Port St Joe and Apalachicola.

It's a narrow peninsula between the end of St Vincent Sound and the Gulf and it is truly old Florida.
There are no stores, just a few beach rental houses, a boat launch and the Indian Pass Campground.

It's hard core primitive Florida panhandle and one of the most beautiful areas you can imagine.
My BIL had the best spot in the campground.

The view was spectacular.

It was cloudy and overcast but the forecast called for that to move on pretty quick so we plowed ahead with the plans for the day.
Our first stop was the island across from us.
St Vincent National Wildlife Refuge. Which is such an amazing place that it will get it's own post soon.
We wanted to walk the beach on the Gulf side looking for seashells so we put the boat in the water and rode over.
My BIL wanted to fish so he put us out on the beach and off he went in search of the elusive tripletail.
The Youngest thought it was cool to be left on a deserted island and even though we were watching the clouds we thought it was cool too.
Not another human being on the whole island.
We walked around the point and I can't even find the words to describe the shells on the beach. Millions of them everywhere you looked.

A shell lover's heaven.
Not bad for bird lovers either.

We found this out on the point.

After looking at this I'm thinking that this is a dolphin skeleton.
Sad that he's gone but very cool the way the skeleton was still so intact.
By mid day the sun was shining and as I walked along the beach in front of our campsite I couldn't believe that a short few hours ago I'd been knee deep in laundry and that one phone call brought me from that to this.

Very nice.
After the sun set we were sitting around the camp and got to see an amazing moonrise.

We grilled steaks for a tasty dinner and then the Youngest Island Boy couldn't hold his eyes open any longer so off to bed he went.
My BIL wasn't far behind him but the Island King and I sat out on the beach fishing until late.
We didn't catch anything but it was so beautiful out there that we didn't care.
The bugs and heat are brutal in Indian Pass but it is truly one of Florida's hidden treasures.
And we were blessed to be there.Labels: Done