We’ve had an amazing amount of rain lately and because of
that the rivers here are running high.
My parents, the Youngest Island Boy and I rode up to Bruce
today to take a look at the Choctawhatchee
Our first stop was the foot of the bridge on Hwy 20 leading from Bruce
This is a beautiful spot with a camping area, picnic
pavilions and a boat launch and while I expected the river to be high I had no
idea it was this high.
The entire park is under water. The pavilion you see is the entrance and the camping and picnic areas are farther around the bend, under all of that water.
The water was over 17 feet
when we were there, which is almost 4 feet above flood level.
And it hasn’t crested yet.
Reports are that it will crest between 20 and 23 feet
between Thursday and Saturday.
That's our camping spot out there.
I’ve seen several floods here but nothing like this one.
The water won’t reach the top of the bluff I’m standing on
but anybody lower than this, anywhere along this stretch of the Choctawhatchee
is more than likely going to be underwater – if they aren’t already.